1st Field Workshop Italy
The first “Field Workshop on Volcanic Gases” was held at Vulcano island (Italy) from 21 to 27 September 1982; it was organized by IAVCEI in cooperation with the Italian National Research Council. It was attended by 19 participants from France, Israel, Italy, Japan, U.S.A., grouped into eight teams. Three more teams (one from France, two from Italy) were also present at Vulcano during the workshop; their results are included in this report. Two field trips were also organized: a three-day one to Mt. Etna before the workshop, and a post-workshop one (three days) to Vesuvius and Pompeii. During the former excursion some participants had the opportunity of collecting aerosols in the plume issuing from Etna’s main craters, which were in a mild activity stage. Besides the field work, during the workshop at Vulcano several informal sessions were held, communications being presented by each team on its specific field of research, with reference to the goal of the workshop; discussions among participants were active throughout all sessions.
For the complete report of the workshop see the following article.

2nd and 3rd workshops at Japan and New Zealand

The Second Field Workshop was held at Mt Usu, Japan. Twentyone local geochemists and 22 scientists from 7 countries took part. Results were submitted by nine groups. The Third Workshop was centered on White Island, New Zealand. This time there were 6 local and 41 foreign participants representing 10 countries. Results were received from 13 groups.
For the complete dataset see the following article.
4th and 5th workshop in Italy and Indonesia
The fourth and fifth workshops were held on Vulcano island, Italy, in 1991, and on Java, Indonesia, in 1994, respectively.

The results of the 4th and 5th workshop were published together in Giggenbach et al. 1991.
A part of the result from Java and a part of the short abstarcts were published in the 12th Newsletter of CCVG.
6th Workshop Hawaii USA

During the 1997′ workshop held at Hawaii (USA), a total 19 participants presented 11 papers from 6 countries.
The full dat were published in the 14th Newsletter of the CCVG (1999).